I had to work on Saturday so the Things spent part of the day with Kathy and Matt ( I am lucky to live 9 blocks away and that they are nice enough to help out when I need it!!!) Thing 1 loves the book The Encyclopedia of Immaturity, Vol 1. Among the many things it has that make boys laugh it shows you how to make a ring out of money so...Thing 1 made a little Rupee Bling for his pinky.
Thing 2 worked with Kathy to make a paper mache piggy bank.
We came home with both of them to be decorated. Not to be left out, Thing 1 decorated the other one.
Thing 1's is on the left and Thing 2's is on the right.
My mom made a great card that could be used to hold money. I guess it is not my birthday card since that is not my name on it....

But, the child who has a birthday next week is standing next to me as I work on this and sees his name wondering if Grandma is giving away a birthday secret. (He says he can't believe Grandma would spend the time on making the card and not send it) He says the money does not need to be in it- he just wants the card.
I was excited for this week's theme. I have been wanting to make a little coin/money pouch for awhile. There are many times I just want something to hold a few cards, my driver's license and my phone. I used the pattern found here -I tried to add a pocket on the outside but as my son would say-"epic failure" . I chose some springy fabric as we cannot seem to leave winter behind. I love my new pouch!!!

Looking forward to seeing what next week's challenge brings.... the one thing I really hope is we have some warm weather!!!
Until next week...
I had fun making those banks with Think 2 but I think it'll be awhile until a do paper mache again...too messy
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