About A Mom and 2 Things
The mom is me, Jenny, a Jeep driving mom of 2 boys ages 8 and 11. We live in the Frozen Tundra of Minneapolis, MN with my husband, the Big Cheese. Over the years I have always dabbled in arts and crafts but since my kids were born I have done more often spending time with them doing various projects. I have taught myself to sew, not an expert but enough to keep my boys in PJ's as long as they want. I recently have started to knit and look forward to the day I am brave enough to tackle a sweater. Our family loves to spend time outdoors and traveling. We love to show the world to our children. If only we did not have to worry about work and school - I think we would never be home.
Thing 1, also known as Max is our 11year. Max is growing up quickly before our eyes. He is creative, artistic and born to surf. Unfortunately, we live in the wrong place for him to get much practice. Luckily for him his uncle has a place on the Outer Banks and we get to visit once in awhile. Thing 1's favorite crafting is doing anything with clay and paper cutting crafts.
Lucas, AKA Thing 2 is 8 years old and my little stinker. He is a friendly, outgoing young man who loves to help me with projects, cooking and anything he can do to make a mess. He loves to play hockey, baseball and anything in the water.