Well, we here in our house "got lucky" and were able to head south and leave the Frozen Tundra for 9 days. We were able to spend a few days on the beach, head to a few theme parks and enjoy time with the Big Cheese who was back for a few weeks.
There was not a lot of time for crafting and such on the trip but Thing 2 did do some sand art while in Cocoa Beach....
We were also able to see Grandma and Grandpa on this trip. Being that Grandma was away she did not have time to do up a craft but she did submit a photo of the "Rabbits Foot Fern" that she is growing and tending to. I have never seen one of these before but it does look like rabbit's feet.
While on our trip we made a stop at Universal Studios Islands of Adventure. The Things had been saving their money to visit Harry Potter and find their wands. Little did we know that while there we would meet their namesakes.
Week 13's challenge for Iron Craft-Best in Show- was a hard one us to find something to put together especially in 3 days. Prior to leaving on our trip we had to say goodbye to our favorite four-legged friend, Lambeau, who had been with us for over 14 years. The only other pet in our lives right now is Fred, our Betta fish and I am not sure what you would make for a fish. Even though I did not make it this week, I decided to use a project I had made for Halloween for the Things & Lambeau-who we feel is BEST IN SHOW !
After a few weeks off from crafting the boys and I are eager to find out next's week challenge. We are back in the game.
I am so sorry for your loss and I hope that the boys are dealing with it OK. I am also happy to know that you were a complete family again if for such a short period of time. Tell the boys that I am saving up my money for a trip to Harry Potter land as well.
I wish that I had known that your family was visiting NYC, I would have played tour guide. You were staying literally one block from my office. I hope that you enjoyed your short stay in NYC.
the prisoners are very cute. Nice job!
I am so sorry you had to say good bye to your friend. And the boys too. Sniff. Those are hard hard lessons. And not ones that we ever wanted to go through. ugh.
I am SO glad you had fun on your vacation!
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