This challenge was an easy one to do with kids and they both had ideas on how they were going to decorate their "snakes" . We went and got fabric markers and used some extra canvas around the house. They both planned out their designs before they started on the actual snake. Thing 2 wanted to sew his himself- Thing 1 is hampered by a broken arm so no sewing for him. This project was very easy for them to do and they had a fun time doing it. My snake is pretty basic with some IKEA fabric I had around the house.

Thing 1 wanted a tongue.

Thing 2 did his own sewing.

So we are waiting to find out what challenge number 3 will be. Kathy won't spill the beans early and she is sitting right next to me.
I think it's great that you're doing the challenges with your sons. My daughter loves to craft with me too & I think I'll see if she wants to join in the Ironcraft challenges too. I know it can be frustrating having to share the crafting time & space with the kids, but in the end it sure is worth it.
am watching in UK we are experiencing unseasonable warm draught excluders are far from our minds!
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