When I read this challenge I thought it was something I could do but totally forgot about it until I saw Kathy's post with her project this morning. I realized that I had actually done a project yesterday that would fit the challenge. I had the supplies long before we moved. Just needed to unpack the sewing machine.
When we told the Things we were moving we said that they could decorate their rooms and choose their colors. Thing 2 is OBSESSED with orange. He wanted to paint his room orange but we have now compromised on gray with an orange stripe. (Still need to complete that). I however found this great bedding at Target- one set was an orange pattern and the other gray stripe. Thing 2 does not use the flat sheets so I decided that I would use the 2 flat sheets to make a duvet cover for a comforter we had.
I took the 2 sheets and sewed them together like a big pillow case. I slipped the comforter in and with the help of my mom, we attached the comforter to the duvet with knots.

The duvet can be used either side.

Thing 2 loves it!

I hope to be around here more often. Just need to get a new sewing machine- reverse is not working and I had it fixed once. Off to research new machines!