Wow! I finally have an Iron Craft project. I hope with the kids back in school, my part-time job getting back to part-time after a crazy summer and our family getting into a routine I will be able to get back to posting. I thought I was doing good this time and was going to be done in advance. But football practice for Thing 2 several nights a week, Art Academy and training our dog for Thing 1 I ended up finishing up with photos the night before. I guess the accomplishment is that I completed something.
This time for
Iron Craft the challenge was to make something for ourselves. I knew it needed to be a quick project. I went back and looked at my Pinterest boards- is anyone else really good at pinning but never doing anything with it? I had pinned several card holders to hold the tons of loyalty cards that I have. I hate having them in my wallet and was thinking I would make something. I decided on this
one by a
Spoonful of Sugar.
It was super easy, just what I needed and I love the results.
Sorry about the lighting. It was dark out and my dining room is not the best light.
I am off to think of my design for this week's
Project Project Runway. See ya on the runway on Thursday.